It determines the essence of GIGA. Our Company generates regularly and cares about the network of relationships with other entrepreneurs - GIGA employees are flexible in contacting the external companies, preferring reaching a consensus with subcontractors rather than generating a conflict. Such an approach brings in enormous advantages - numerous companies still continue their cooperation with GIGA since its establishment


  • We have a flat organisational structure what means that ideas proposed by less experienced staff do not disappear at any of the management levels. Even new GIGA employees may become the promotors of changes.
  • GIGA analysts add and update entries concerning suppliers and subcontractors on a current basis, taking into account the following four main criteria: timeliness, the quality of the work done/deliveries, keeping cleanliness/waste management, good (OHS) practices.
  • The Company responds to employees’ needs through introducing some benefits if they are also advantageous for GIGA. One of the initiatives which has been introduced recently at our Company are English language courses.
  • Our employees undergo required OHS training, considering good practices for working at the heights and using machines and tools whose improper use may lead to health impairment.
  • Safety standards for suppliers and subcontractors are established. Employees’ protection in the building site and adhering to OHS rules are especially important to us. As far as subcontractors are concerned who behave in a way which may lead to accidents in the building site, they are informed on prospective hazards. In the event of recurring signals indicating negligence, they are entered into the list of companies ignoring OHS rules.
  • We hold discussions and we send messages inspired by the management staff concerning the methods of increasing safety in the building site. Such initiatives are aimed at attracting the attention of each employee so that they are able to notice the occurring dangers or those likely to occur.
